2023年度3学期も、アレヨアレヨという間に修了‼ The third term is over before you know it!

Although some time has passed, we’d like to introduce a few of the not-so-bad photos we’ve taken over the past several months along with some more recent shots.


The first and last meeting of the school year at which children were accompanied by their guardians.


家族ごとでの話し合いタイム。  Time for talking with each family.


Acen Harrietアチェン ハリエット(S.1)とオジ、Lubangangeyo Stephenルバンガニェヨ スティーブン(P.5)とオバ。どちらも遠方在住、ミーティング当日は都合がつかず数日後、偶然同時に来館。“寺子屋学習組”だった頃の旧交を温めていました。
 Acen Harriet (secondary school, first year) and her uncle, Lubangagneyo Stephen 5th grade) and his aunt. Both families live far away and were unable to attend the meeting but came to the library at the same time several days later. They formerly attended lessons together at the library, and rekindled old ties.


“女の子を連れてきたLa賞”のXmasバージョン(折り紙サンタクロース*付き!)を被ってご満悦の子供たち‼ *こちらでは、“サンタクロース”ではなく、“Mr.クリスマス”というのが普通のようです。  
 The winners of the Christmas version of the La Prize for bringing a new girl to the library look satisfied with their prizes (complete with an origami Santa Claus). (Here people refer to “Mr. Christmas,” not Santa Claus.) 


  学年代表として、某NGO主催の青少年リーダー育成プログラムに参加。修了証と記念品のTシャツを手に、“オディ~”(現地食名ピーナッツソース青菜あえ?)!! こちらでは、“チ~ズ!!”の代わりに”オディ~“といいます。 ラケーサンディ、チャンワット ブライアン, アケトワンガ サラ。3人ともP.5  
   Laker Sundayラケー サンディ, Canwat Brian チャンワット ブライアン, and Aketowanga Sarah アケトワンガ サラ, class presidents who completed a leadership development program sponsored by an NGO, hold the certificates and T-shirts they received. (Here people say “odi” (ground nut paste) instead of “cheese” when posing for pictures.) All three students are in the fifth grade.


ある日曜。開館までかなり時間があり、スタッフが揃わないので、UG国歌を斉唱! 英語なので、特に低年齢の子供には難し~ようです。
 One Sunday there was quite a bit of time before opening, and the staff were not all there yet, so we sang the Ugandan national anthem.

 A nun who was introduced to us by Sally years ago came by for a visit. (For more about Sally, refer to the previous blog entry and posts about volunteers.)