こちらUGに戻り早や2週間超 Two weeks since returning to Uganda

As is typical of Africa and Uganda, problems have been occurring one after another. We’re still tackling them, but meanwhile we’ve managed to put together this latest edition of our blog. Please take a look at the photos. 

 以前から気になってはいた新図書館の屋根に覆いかぶさっていた高~い巨木! ついに、土中から大きな根っこが浮き上がり、巨体全身で建物にのしかかり、このままでは建物が破壊される!!という緊急非常事態。大騒ぎの末、ようやく片付けました。木を切るのは偲びなかったのですが…。
 We had been concerned about a very tall tree whose branches spread over the new library’s roof. A large root also broke through the ground. The weight of the tree overhung the building, and there was a danger of it destroying the library if nothing was done. After a lot of commotion, this emergency was dealt with. We didn’t have the heart to cut the tree down, though. 


 またまたシロアリ来襲! 旧図書館では約20冊ほど被害に、残念ですが処分! さらに新図書館の外側にも魔の手が!! 幸いまだ内部は無事なようですが、用心のため薬剤を散布。いつもながらJoyceが献身的に。
 Termites continue to attack! About 20 books in the old library were damaged, so, unfortunately, we had to dispose of them. The demonic termites have also begun attacking the exterior of the new library. Luckily, the interior is still unaffected, but as a precautionary measure we sprayed pesticide. As usual, Joyce was a devoted worker as always. 

 Children patrons somehow learned of the library’s reopening and came the first day as they had no classes at school.

 再開前の清掃。就学支援中の子供の中で、「授業がない」Canwat Brian, Latabu Jackline, Laker Sunday, Aber Fortunateが汗を流してくれました。 ≪今日は以上ですが、まだまだ続きます。近日中、乞うご期待!≫ 
 Canwat Brian, Latabu Jackline, Laker Sunday, and Aber Fortunate, whose schooling is supported by the library, helped clean the library before its reopening as they had no classes. They worked up a good sweat.   
《  That’s it for today. Until next time! Maybe very soon!! 》