子供たちが3年ぶりに年末年始のご挨拶を書きました Children write year-end greetings for first time in three years

 という訳で、 2019年には、タウンにいて、お便りできた子どもたちのうち、10名ほどの子どもたちは、残念ながら今回は参加できないので、タウンに残った子供たちが、一人でお二人以上の支援者の皆様に書きました!
 3名のスタッフが手取り足取り補助しましたが、まだ未完成、意味不明、ミスだらけかもしれませんが、お受け取りいただいた皆さま、はがき一枚でも、日本語ででも、どうぞ、お返事くださいますよう心からお願いいたします。 尚、引き続き世界的に郵便事情が混乱しています。日本⇔UG、航空便で、片道2か程かかります。
 Because of the pandemic, many children moved from the town, where the cost of food and housing is higher, to remote regions and villages.  
 In Uganda, the postal system is rudimentary, and even if mail can be sent from the town's lone post office, there is no delivery service. So the only way to receive mail is by having a post office box. In remote regions and villages, there are no post offices, and at most one well-to-do family in a village may have a post office box. None of the families of the children for whom we provide support is able to use the post office in town.
 Thus, unfortunately, 10 of the children who were in town and able to write letters in 2019 were unable to do so this time. So, each of the children who has remained in town wrote letters to at least two supporters.  
 Three staff members provided help along the way, but the letters may still have incomplete or unclear parts or other mistakes. We sincerely hope the recipients will send a reply. A postcard is fine.  
 Postal services around the world are still in disarray, and air mail between Uganda and Japan can take two months.

Aketowanga Sarah(アケトワンガ サラ)

Canwat Brian(チャンワット ブライアン)

Latabu Jackline, Wokorac Dick(ウォコラチ ディク, Laker Sunday(ラケー サンディ)

Agenorwot Mercy Oyella(アゲノルォト マーシー オィェラ), Aber Fortunate(アベ― フォーチュネト)

Otema Brian(オテマ ブライアン), Aryemo Sunday(アリィエモ サンデイ)

Lubangangeyo Emmanuel(ルバンガニィェヨ エマニュエル)

Omara James(オマラ ジェイムズ), Joyce(スタッフ), Agenorwot Mercy Oyella

Anywar Joel(アニワ― ジョエル), Rubangakene Dauzi(ルバンガケネ ダウジ)

 Latabu Jackline(ラタブ ジャクリーン), Anenocan Mirria(アネノチャン ミリアム)

Pikica Marvine(ピキチャ マーヴィン)