3学期終了 つまり2022年度が修了しました! School year ends with close of third term

 3学期はエボラ対策のため、通常より2週間短く切り上げられました。今年度は、コロナのため1学期のスタートが大幅に遅れたので、年間を通じ、正味は通常の3分の1程度の授業日数だったのではないでしょうか? 学校閉鎖中もPCやTV,ラジオなどで学習できたような恵まれた子供たちと、何とか食べて生きるのが精いっぱい、学習の機会はゼロだったような子供たちと、格差がますます広がった感の否めない年月だったと思います。ともあれ、図書館と子供たちの近影をご覧ください。       
 To prevent the spread of the Ebola virus, the third term ended two weeks earlier than usual this year. Because of the coronavirus pandemic, the start of the school year was considerably delayed, so only about one third of the usual number of school days were held. While schools were closed, some children were fortunate to be able to learn via personal computers, television or radio whereas others had no opportunity to learn and it was all they could do to get enough to eat. This gap seems to have widened in recent months. Anyway, please enjoy these recent photos of the library and the children.

コロナの間、遥か遠い東部に、メードとして出稼ぎに出されていたAryemo Sunday(P.5)。皆の協力で学校に戻れ、久しぶりの教室に姿をみせました。Fifth-grader Aryemo Sunday had been sent to the distant eastern region to work as a maid during the pandemic. Through the efforts of many, she was able to return to school and came to the classroom for the first time in quite a while. 

こちらも同じく授業の無い日、悪路をものともせず、遠方から訪ねてきたPingoloya Gifty。以前の寺子屋仲間のWokorac Dickと再会。

Pingoloya Gifty likewise traveled a long distance over a bad road to visit on a day without classes. She was reunited with Wokorac Dick, with whom she had studied at the library.

雨がよく降り、故Emmaお手植えの生垣がグングン成長! 剪定に汗を流すBaba。

Lots of rain has fallen, and the hedge that the late Emma planted is growing rapidly. Here Baba works up a sweat trimming the hedge.

日曜日など学校が無い日は、朝早くから長蛇の列。Babaが並ばせ、手洗いを指導。On Sundays and school holidays, children form a long line from early in the morning to get into the library. Baba lines them up and washes their hands.

片道6~7キロの悪路を徒歩で、Aromorac Babra(P.6)とLubanganyeyo Stephen(P.4)姉弟が、授業がない日に訪ねてきました!

Siblings Aromorac Babra(sixth grade)and Lubanganyeyo Stephen(fourth grade) came to visit on a day when there were no classes, walking 6 or 7 km over a bad national road.   

この頃平日昼間よく来る女の子。いつも赤ちゃんを背負って。 聞けば、コロナで生活が厳しくなり、小学校をやめ、ベビーシッターとして働くため村から町に出て来た、とのこと。This girl often visits the library on weekdays of late, always with a baby on her back. She told us that her family was struggling on account of the pandemic, so she quit primary school and came to town from her village to work as a babysitter.

図書館の近くで、大きなシロアリの塚を発見!私たちの大切な本を荒らしたアリたちのアジトはここだったらしいと。 BabaやJoyceが、マスクと手袋で武装して、薬剤を撒き、徹底的に退治しました!

We discovered a large termite mound near the library. Apparently, it is the hideout of the termites that have been damaging our precious books. Protected by masks and gloves, Baba and Joyce applied pesticide to the nest and exterminated the termites.


In the new library’s nursery, small children can play with toys or nap while their big brothers and sisters read. Staff members play with them when they’re not busy.