Since our report of Feb. 27, we have received more news and photographs from Kitgum of children supported by PR Africa.
This time Joyce and Astrid traveled to the deeper interior of the Kitgum District and to remote areas of other districts without public
transportation or a means of communication, covered in dust and sweat, to locate children scattered over a wide area. They traveled by boda boda (bicycle and motorcycle taxis commonly used by
those who don’t have a car) and paid the 19 children’s first-term school expenses.
We are not sure how the children are doing in their new locations or whether or not they will be able to continue going to school from the second
term on. There are four children who about whom there has been no news, with whom contact has been lost, or who could not be seen in person. Two other children are unable to go to school because
they must earn money for their family’s support or take care of ill family members or younger siblings and relatives. We are trying to figure out a way for them to return to school... We
just hope they will be well.
4月2日はアンデルセンの誕生日で『国際子どもの本の日』とか。「家庭に良書があれば子どもは育つ」---とのこと。また、古代ギリシャ ラムゼス2世の図書館のドアに、『魂の癒し場所』との文字があったそうです。早くKitgumに戻り、この文字を我々の図書館に掲げ、本どころか、紙切れ、筆記具も手にするのが難しいthe poorest of the poor
April 2nd, H.C.Andersen's birthday is International Children’s Book Day. It is said that children grow up well when there are good books in their home. Above the door of the library
of Pharaoh Ramses II in ancient Greece was the inscription “the house of healing for the soul.” We hope to return to Kitgum as soon as possible, inscribe this motto on our library, and reopen the
facility, the only place the poorest of the poor children, who have no access to pens, pencils or paper much less books, can contact with books.