コロナの日々 その3 Coronavirus days (Part 3)


The airport and borders in Uganda are still closed, and the restrictions on going out and on travel remain in place. The government is apparently considering reopening schools, markets and public institutions before long. Despite the tight restrictions, about a month ago the first death in Uganda was officially announced, and since then one or two deaths have been reported every couple days. The situation in Kitgum is not as serious as it is in the capital of Kampala or along the borders with Kenya and Tanzania, but…


Kitgumからメールが来ました!  We have received e-mail from Emma! 

”3勇士” Emma, Issac, Lawrence. 大人は外出時、マスク必着!でないとポリスや治安部隊にひどい目に遭わされる可能性が‼  コロナよりも“怖い”とか!?! ガバメント敷地内は、出入りが制限されていて閑散としているため、ちょくちょく出没するヘビ対策に長靴も必要! 
Masks must be worn when going out or you may get in trouble with the police or the security forces.  Because access to government property is restricted and all is quiet, boots are essential to prevent being bitten by the snakes that often appear. 

”3勇士” が、生垣や植込み、石畳の雑草と格闘すること~時間!! Thanks to the battle of the “three heroes” with the hedges, shrubbery, and weeds between the paving stones,


the library grounds are neat and tidy.

上の作業日とは別の日、久しぶりにGinnery地区の子供たちが訪ねてきたそうです。ずいぶん大きくなっている様子‼! 全員、土間/ワラ屋根の家住まい、水道も無く、流水で手を洗えるような子たちではありません。なんとか無事でいてほしいです!
On another day, children from Ginnery came to visit for the first time in a while. They have grown a lot! They all live in homes with earthen floors and thatched roofs and cannot wash their hands in running tap water. So we hope they will stay safe. 
  Arop Joshua              Akello Sharon           Medina B2

(図書館塾生/Library pupil)        (P3)            (図書館塾生/Library pupil)

  Adong Rose (P2)        Canwat Brian(P2)