新・図書館の周りに植樹しました! Seedlings planted around new library!

建設を始める時、用地の向き、形状などの関係で仕方なく、木を2本ほど伐りました。その代わりにはなりませんが、新図書館全体をグルリと取り囲もうと苗木を植えました。屋根より高い木だと雨どいに落ち葉が詰り、雨水利用に差し支えたり、枝が折れるなどソーラーパネルに障害が出たりしますので、成長しても屋根より下までの高さにしかならない生垣、葉色は、新図書館の外見の色にマッチした黄緑です。十分大きくなるまでには数年かかるそうですが、来年2月頃、大使館KTG私どもPR Africa引き渡し時には、数十センチの高さに一列に並んで来館者の目を楽しませてくれるでしょう!!といいたいのですが、さしもの雨季も終盤、雨が降る日の間隔が開き、雨量も激減しています。1日でも降らないと乾燥がひどく、ちゃんと根付いてくれるかどうか。図書館学習組の子供たちが、整地、植え付けから、毎朝の水やり、雑草取り等々、一生懸命世話してくれています。幼い頃から、畑の手伝いで鍛えているからでしょう、鍬の使い方、苗の扱い方など、堂に入ったものです。約160本の苗木を植え終わり記念写真、ハイ, Ode(オディ~)!!、今日は、ご褒美のビスケットを一枚ずつ手に、もう一度Ode~‼

 When construction on the new library began, because of the direction the site faced and its shape, unfortunately we had to cut down two trees. Though they can’t replace those trees, we recently planted seedlings all around the new library. The leaves from trees taller than the roof would clog the rain gutters and interfere with our using rain water. And branches might break off and damage the solar panels, so we planted a hedge that will grow no taller than the roof and whose yellowish green leaves will match the color of the library’s exterior.

We were told it will take several years for the plants to reach their full height, but they should be 20 or 30 centimeters tall by next February and delight our guests when the library is turned over to PR Africa by the Japanese embassy and the local government. Or at least that’s what we hope. For now, the rainy season has ended, so there will be days with no rain. And the amount of rain has decreased considerably. When rain doesn’t fall for even one day it gets quite dry, so we’re not sure if our seedlings will take root.

The children who study at the library have worked hard to take care of everything from preparing the soil and planting to daily watering and weeding. Perhaps because they have been working in the fields since they were small, they are very good at using a hoe and caring for the seedlings. We gathered for a group photo after planting about 160 seedlings. Say odi! (the local version of “Say cheese!”) After giving everyone a cookie as a reward, we posed for another photo. Once more: odi!