Anywar Patrick アニワー パトリック 10歳 力尽きました。Anywar Patrick passes away



小さな棺の中に、皆様から頂いていたお見舞いカード、おもちゃ、彼が図書館で使っていたノートなど入れてあげました。遺影用の写真は、安定期に、たまたま自宅の前にいたところを撮ってあったのを拡大して木枠に入れ飾ってもらいました。まさかこんなことに使うとは思ってもいませんでしたがOyoオヨ~(ニックネーム)には、学校に通わせてあげられなかったことが悔やまれますが、後に続くお金がないため義務教育の小学校にさえ通えない多くの孤児たちへの支援を彼のことを心に、できる限り続けていくつもりです。これからも皆様の温かく力強いご声援・支援を心からお願い申し上げます。Apwoyo Ma Tek!!


Anywar Patrick, 10, has died. Since July he had been suffering from a virulent form of malaria that was resistant to existing medications and had been in and out of the hospital. He came down with blackwater fever, one of the most serious complications of malaria, and had been taking the supplements that many of you sent – folic acid, iron, and Vitamin B12. He recovered, and his condition was stable for a while, but in the end he was unable to get the amount of blood required for transfusion, and he passed away. It is truly regrettable.


Into his small coffin we placed the get-well cards and toys you sent to him as well as the notebook he used at the library. For his portrait, we enlarged a photo taken recently when he was out in front of his house while his condition was stable. We never dreamed the photo would be used for this purpose. It is regrettable that we were unable to send Oyo (Patrick’s nickname) to school. But, with thoughts of him, we intend to go on with our endeavors and support the many other children who are unable to get a compulsory education at elementary school because they have no money. Your continued kind, encouraging support would be greatly appreciated. Apoyo ma tek!