新図書館の看板が“99%”できました! Sign for new library 99% complete!!

入手できないスチール製の代わりに木製書棚が地元業者によって製作中、同時に、アヤノさん(68thボランティア)が、今まで皆様から頂戴してあった折り紙などを活用し手作りの看板を作ってくれました! 完成‼”と言いたいのですが、雨風土埃を防ぐためにも仕上げに使おうと決めていた無色透明ラッカーKTGには無い! K’laでなら売っている!!そうですが、アヤノさんの約3か月のボランティア期間も残り少なく、彼女が立つ前に入手は困難なので、99%完成記念写真を図書館寺子屋組の子供たちとパチリ。マラリアが猛威を振るっていますので10名ほどが欠席ですが、次々交代で欠席するので全員集合は“100%完成!”時に。

Because we could not get steel bookcases, wooden ones are being made by a local contractor. Meanwhile, Ayano, our 68th volunteer, has made a new sign for the library using origami and other materials from supporters. We’d like to say it’s finished, but clear and colorless lacquer for weatherproofing the sign, the final step, is not available in Kitgum. It is sold in Kampala, but Ayano’s three-month stay as a volunteer is almost over, and it will be difficult to get the lacquer before she leaves. So, we took a photo of the 99% finished sign with students who study at the library. There is an outbreak of malaria now, so some ten children have been absent, and we had to give up on getting a shot with everyone present.

99%完成記念写真 Ayano, library staff and children pose with the 99% complete sign.

作成中のアヤノさん Ayano makes the new sign.