退院しました!! Out of the hospital! 

皆様のご声援、祈りのおかげで、Anywar Patrick(アニワーパトリック10歳)が、幸運にも再々々輸血を受けることができ、昏睡状態から再び回復しました!!(彼のために輸血が受けられなかった患者さんもいるかもしれないと思うと複雑ですが) 


鎌状赤血球細胞自体を根本的に治すことはできなくても、輸血が必要となる溶血を起こさせないために、血液にダメージを与える感染症にかからないように気を付けなければならないのですが、写真のような住環境電気も水道もなく、生活排水を流す下水路もなし、窓もないワラ屋根土間小屋に大人から乳幼児まで何人もの家族でザコ寝ですから、「マラリアにかかるな!」というほうが無理 日頃から少しでも血液の状態を良く保つため、たくさん皆様からお届けいただいた葉酸鉄分ビタミンB12”などを摂らせます。まとめて渡すと、いくら説明してもガバッと飲んでしまったり、兄弟姉妹たちが食べ?てしまったりするので、近くに住むJoyceに預かってもらい、毎夕1回ずつ服用しに来るようにします。『元気になってね!』の手作りカードをお送りくださった方もいました Apwoyo Ma Te~k!!!!

Thanks to your support and prayers, luckily Anywar Patrick, 10, was able to have a series of transfusions and recovered from his coma once again! (I have mixed feelings when I think that there may have been others who were unable to get transfusions as a result.)


While his sickle cells themselves cannot be repaired, in order to prevent hemolysis that requires transfusion, he must be careful not to catch any infectious diseases that might damage his blood. But, as you can see from the photograph, he lives in a windowless thatch-roofed home with an earthen floor and without electricity, water, or sewer for domestic wastewater. Everyone in the family, from adults to babies, sleeps crowded together. So telling him to avoid catching malaria is pointless. In order to maintain his blood in good condition, we will have him take the folic acid, iron and Vitamin B12 that many of you generously sent. If we give it all to him, no matter how clearly we explain how to take it, he will take too much at one time or his brothers and sisters may eat it. So Joyce, who lives nearby, is keeping it for him. He goes over every evening to Joyces place to take a proper dosage. He also received a handmade get-well card!!!  Apwoyo Ma Te~k!