大至急 “葉酸”を、鉄分を‼  Please Send ‘Folic Acid’&‘Iron’ asap!!

先回お知らせした鎌状細胞貧血にマラリヤを併発し意識不明から回復したAnywar Patrick10歳)、写真のように無事退院し、その後元気に過ごしていると思いきや、容態が急変、わずか1週間ほどで再入院になってしまいました! 

鎌状細胞貧血には根本的治療法はまだ無く、葉酸と“鉄分”の摂取が対症療法として著効が認められているそうです。当地では入手困難ですが、日欧米などでならドラッグストアのチェーン店などでサプリとして比較的お手軽に入手できると思い、AnywarPatrick葉酸を、“鉄分”を、お送りいただけますよう心からお願い申し上げます。厚かましい限りですが、なにとぞ一日も早く、お願いいたします。Apwoyo Ma Tek in advance!!! 


As you can see from the photo, Anywar Patrick, 10, whom we wrote about last time, was discharged from the hospital after being unconscious with sickle cell anemia and malaria. He seemed to be doing well after that, but his condition suddenly deteriorated, and he had to be hospitalized for another week.

There is no cure for sickle cell anemia, but folic acid and iron are recognized as being effective in controlling its symptoms. It is difficult to get folic acid and iron here but relatively easy to buy as supplements at drug stores in Japan, Europe and the United States. We would like to ask our supporters to send donations of folic acid and iron supplements asap for Anywar Patrick. Your cooperation would be greatly appreciated. Apwoyo Ma Tek!