2学期スタート!  第1部  Start of the Second Term PARTⅠ


Two new students are among those supported by the library.

1722Aketowanga Sarahアケトワンガ サラ13歳、Aketowanga Beatriceアケトワンガ ベアトリス12歳。二人とも生まれて初めての制服!Public小学校の面接の結果、サラは2年生に、ベアトリスは1年生になりました。

Aketowanga Sarah, 13, and Aketowanga Beatrice, 12, wear school uniforms for the first time! After interviews at Public Primary School, it was decided that Sarah would enter second grade and Beatrice first grade.

1711Joyce, 妹(10歳図書館で学習中)、母、Sarah 

Joyce, her sister (10 years old and studying at the library), their mother, Sarah

Sarah, 妹、母。この小屋で弟(8歳図書館学習中)と5人、母が近所の畑仕事や家事を手伝い生活。父は行方知れず。Sarah with her sister and mother. Five people, including Sarah’s younger brother, 8, who studies at the library, live in this hut. Their mother helps with work in nearby fields and with housework to support the family. The fathers whereabouts are unknown.

伯母(亡母の姉)、Beatrice。父は乳児の時死亡、母と田舎で暮らしてきた   が、母も亡くなり叔母に引き取られた。叔母は小さい畑を持っていて衣食住は何とかなるが学費までは難しいHer aunt (sister of her deceased mother) and Beatrice. Her father died when she was a baby. She was living with her mother in the countryside, but her mother died and she was taken in by her aunt. Her aunt works a small field and manages to eke out a living but does not make enough money to cover school cost.

伯母、Beatrice, Joyce  Aunt,