

An urgent meeting is held for students whose schooling is supported by PR Africa and their  and guardians. After a discussion and time for questions, the students were asked to sign a written agreement to reaffirm the terms of the verbal agreement made when they began receiving support. Although over a month had passed since the start of the third term, several students had not returned to school or the library from villages in the interior and could not be reached, so it was feared they had dropped out. The meeting was held to raise awareness so that anything unusual would be noticed and addressed promptly and this problem would not recur.


Even P.7 students(seventh graders), who are used to writing, look nervous.

慣れていない保護者に、ペンの握り方を教えるスタッフ。 心配そうにのぞき込む孫娘たち。

A staff member shows a guardian who is not accustomed to writing how to hold the pen as her granddaughters look on anxiously.


A granddaughter looks relieved after completing the agreement, to which her grandmother wrote her name and affixed her thumbprint.