




申請を考え、一歩を踏み出してから、1年以上…、あまりの大変さに何度も挫けそうになりましたが、多くの方々の励まし、子ども達の素朴な笑顔に背中を押され、UG中の申請総数500余件の中から、今期最終合格した5件の中の一つに残ることができ、先日Kampalaの日本大使館での調印式に、CAO, Assit CAO(県の行政のトップたち)と出席しました。


大使館内は撮影厳禁、携帯電話も持ち込めないので、調印式の写真は無いのですが、その後すぐ、Mollyさんという、1年程前まで日本大使館のGGP担当の一人をしていて、昨年の総選挙に立候補するため大使館を辞め、当選し、今はUGの国会議員になっている方を議会中の国会議事堂に訪問し、報告した時の写真です! 彼女は、ご自分の退職直前の忙しい中、ていねいに対応してくれました。 大変喜んでくれました!! 


今後、出来るだけ小まめに、この“図書館新築プロジェクト”についても、Upしていきますので、折々、 ✔をお願いいたします! Apwoyo Ma Te~K!!!!!




GGP Signing Ceremony~!!!


We have been awarded a grant from the Japanese government under its Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects Programme that will allow us to build a new library!  It will be built between the present library location and the district government building, along the council hall. The Japanese government awards GGP grants in developing countries around the world. About 10 grants are awarded annually in Uganda, and we made the final cut.


          More than a year has passed since, we began to consider applying and took the first step. It was such a difficult task that we nearly lost heart many times. But, inspired by the encouragement of many people and the innocent smiles of the children, we pressed on, and we were among the five grantees from among more than 500 applications in Uganda this period.  The signing ceremony at the Japanese embassy in Kampala the other day was attended by the district chief administrative officer and assistant chief administrative officer (the top officials in the district) and us.


No photography is allowed in the embassy, and cell phones are prohibited, so we don’t have any pictures of the ceremony.  Immediately afterwards, we went to see Molly Lanyero, who was a grant consultant at the embassy until about a year ago, to tell her about the ceremony. Molly left her job to run for office in the general election, was elected, and is now a member of the parliament. Despite being very busy just before quitting her job, she advised us a lot for the initial screening and kindly guided us through the application process. We are truly indebted to her. Attached on the website  is a photograph taken when we went to see her. As you can see, she was very happy for us!


              I will try to post regular updates on the library construction project on the website,  so please take a look now and then.  Apwoyo Ma Te-K! Wane~n!!