こちらKitgumに戻り早や4週間超 Four weeks since returning to Uganda

雨季の真っただ中!のハズなのに、カーッと晴れ渡った青空が、もう数週間続いています。K’laからの途中では、洪水で、道路が冠水し、騒ぎになっているところもあったのですが、北部や東北部はカラッカラに干上がっています‼ 種まき、植え付けができない!! と村々から悲鳴が上がり、町の市場からは、青物葉物が姿を消し、たまにあってもメチャ高~!!!   
 Although we should be in the middle of the rainy season, we have had clear blue skies for several weeks. On the way back from Kampala the roads were submerged in some places on account of flooding, and it was a bit of a mess. But in the north and northeast it is very dry. People in the villages are lamenting that they cannot do any sowing or planting. No green vegetables can be seen in the markets, and when they are, they are very expensive.

初ミーティングに来られた子供たちからも、「食事が満足に摂れない!」と訴えが…、しかし学校の給食費は、バカ高くて、とても全員分は負担できないし…。メイズ、イモ類、マメ類、これから旬を迎えるマンゴーなどで何とか乗りきるしか‼ そんな状況で、Rubangakene Dauzi, Opoka Brian, Omara James Aryemo Sundayが、間もなく1学期期末テストが始まるかというこの時期になっても、図書館にも学校にも姿を見せません。Acen HarrietとLubangangeyo Emmanuelの二人とは、ようやく保護者(二人とも孤児で、オバ、オジが保護者)と連絡がとれ、Emmanuelは学校に戻り、図書館にも姿を見せました。Acenは遠方のうえ、この1学期から、新しく入学したSecondaryもさらに遠方で、学校と連絡がとれず未確認、写真もありませんが。。
 The children who came to the first meeting said they are not getting enough to eat. But school lunch fees are so high that we cannot cover them for all of the children. They just have to get by on maize, potatoes, beans, and mangos which will soon be in season. Rubangakene Dauzi, Opoka Brian, Omara James, and Aryemo Sunday, who should soon be taking end-of-term exams, have not been seen at the library or at school. We were finally able to contact the guardians of Acen Harriet and Lubangangeyo Emmanuel. (Both children are orphans being raised by her aunt and his uncle.) Emmanuel went back to school and has also come to the library. Acen is now living far away, and the secondary school she newly entered is even more distant. We have not been able to contact the school to find out about her. Nor do we have a photograph. 


遠方ですが、引き続き同じ村々で、前と同じ学校に通う子供たちは、私どもがまだUGに戻る前に、Joyceが訪問し、校納金支払いなど済ませました。  Before we returned to Uganda, Joyce visited the distant homes of the students who continue to live in the same villages and attend the same schools and paid their school fees.

Aciro Rose (5th grade)

Aromorac Babra (7th grade), Lubanganyeyo Stephen (5th grade)

引き続きKitgum primary Schoolに通学中。  Otema Brian (6th grade), Agenorwot Mercy Oyella (6th grade), Pikica Marvine (7th grade), and Aber Fortunate (6th grade) are also continuing in Kitgum Primary school.

 Akello Sharon(p.7)

この新学年から同じSecondary に通う 
Wokorac Dick and Anywar Joel are attending the same secondary school this year. They are in their third and fourth years, respectively. 

引き続きPublic P/Sに通学中 Canwat Brian (5th grade), Laker Sunday (5th grade), Anenocan Mirriam (7th grade), Aketowanga Sarah (5th grade), and Latabu Jackline (6th grade) are continuing in Kitgum Public primary school. 

 支援者の皆様からの年末年始のお便りが届き始めました。まだ…、の子供たちは自分にはいつ来るのかな、と楽しみにしています。普通の航空便(エアメール)だと、2か月前後かかるようですので、できるだけお早く、どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 Letters from supporters that were sent during the year-end and New Year holiday season have begun to arrive. Children who have not received letters yet are eagerly awaiting theirs. Air mail takes about two months to arrive, so please mail letters early.  

Pikica Marvine with Lub. Emmanuel
Pikica Marvineは、ごく最近、小さいころから母親代わりに育ててくれた祖母を病気で亡くし、今は遠縁の家に身を寄せています。今日は、支援者の方からのお手紙に、久しぶりに笑顔が! 偶然来館したLubangangeyo Emmanuelと。

 Pikica Marvine recently lost her grandmother, who had raised her since  she was a baby. She is now living with distant relatives. A letter from a supporter put a smile on her face, the first we’ve seen in a while. Here she is shown with Lubangangeyo Emmanuel, who happened to come to the library at the same time.  

.  “皆さんに!”といただいたクリスマス音楽メドレーオルゴール付きのカード、 就学支援中の子供たちに披露。今年のクリスマスシーズンには、一般の来館者に向けても大いに活用したいと思います。  A card that plays a medley of Christmas music was sent to the library to be enjoyed by all the children. Here we play the card for the children. We hope to make good use of the card next Christmas season for general library users as well.